An endoscopy is a non-surgical procedure to inspect inside a patient’s body. It allows doctors to view internal features with a scope, a flexible tube mounted with a light and camera. Usually, the scope is inserted through the esophagus and through to the stomach and upper small intestine to view the upper digestive tract. In other cases, an endoscopy may be used to examine other areas such as the ears, nose, heart, brain, colon, urinary tract, and more. Photos can be taken of areas inside the body and used to diagnose certain conditions such as stomach or esophageal ulcers, cancer, polyps, and other issues. Biopsies may be taken at this time for further analysis of potential problem areas.

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An upper endoscopy, also called an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, is a procedure used to visually examine your upper digestive system. This is done with the help of a tiny camera on the end of a long, flexible tube. IV sedation is administered for the procedure. An upper endoscopy is used to diagnose and sometimes treat conditions that affect the upper part of the digestive system. The upper digestive system includes the esophagus, stomach, and the beginning of the small intestine (duodenum). An endoscopy can help determine what's causing digestive signs and symptoms, such as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, and gastrointestinal bleeding. The procedure usually takes 10-15 minutes.

A colonoscopy is a type of endoscopy, used to view and diagnose problems within the colon and large intestine. IV sedation is administered for the procedure. This will allow patients to be completely asleep and not remember anything about the procedure. During colonoscopy, the scope is inserted through the anus to view the lower digestive tract. If abnormalities are noted, pictures are taken, biopsies are performed, and polyps (overgrowths on the lining of the colon) are removed and sent to a Pathologist for diagnosis. The procedure itself usually takes 20 minutes on average, and patients generally go home 30 minutes following procedure completion. Your doctor will discuss all pre-surgery requirements with you before scheduling to ensure a successful procedure. These include adherence to a special diet, laxatives, and possibly an enema kit.

It is recommended that patients over 45 years of age or those at high risk of developing colorectal cancer should schedule a colonoscopy every few years as a part of your preventative health plan. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms and ways to investigate the problems you are experiencing. An endoscope can assist your doctor in accurately diagnosing your condition and expediting your treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and fast-track your recovery with Sulphur Surgical Clinic.


Sulphur Surgical Clinic is dedicated to providing the highest quality patient care and comprehensive treatment. We've invested in innovative technology at the cutting edge of medicine, bringing advanced treatments and procedures to patients in Southwest Louisiana. Our team has over 75 years of general surgery experience and consistently upholds our reputation for excellence and satisfaction. Feel the difference—at Sulphur Surgical Clinic!