Many conditions may require a patient to undergo colorectal surgery. Diseases like cancer, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, and others can cause perforation or obstruction to the lower intestinal tract and may require major reconstructive surgery. These blockages and injuries can result in serious issues that need immediate care.


The main surgical treatment for diverticulitis and colon cancer is colon resection. For this procedure, the diseased segment of colon is removed and the remaining colon is reconnected. This is generally able to be done laparoscopically and with small incisions. The average length of hospital stay for a colon resection is 2-4 days. Other conditions may not present as immediately or as seriously, like hemorrhoids and fissures, but still may require surgery to correct. Polyps, prolapse, small tears, and bowel incontinence are also treated through this type of minor surgery. A colonoscopy is generally recommended prior to most types of colorectal surgery for diagnostic purposes, and your doctor will advise you on patient requirements for this procedure. If you’re concerned about your digestive health and have questions, contact Sulphur Surgical Clinic to help diagnose, treat, and get back to living life after disease.


Sulphur Surgical Clinic is dedicated to providing the highest quality patient care and comprehensive treatment. We've invested in innovative technology at the cutting edge of medicine, bringing advanced treatments and procedures to patients in Southwest Louisiana. Our team has over 75 years of general surgery experience and consistently upholds our reputation for excellence and satisfaction. Feel the difference—at Sulphur Surgical Clinic!